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This picture above is the front cover of the first ever walkthrough. it also includes beta sketches and storyboard by the anime artist (Katsuya Kondou) who designed the characters etc Welcome =)
Welcome to my site, the JC domain. I'm Joe (or those at the JC forum in gametalk know me as Zero-X ^_^) and here you'll find everything you need to know about Jade Cocoon, from Hints and Tips to Screenshots. Enjoy!

So, what is Jade Cocoon you ask? Well, JC in a nutshell is a beautiful-to-look-at (well, for PSX)fun RPG with one of the best storylines in an RPG I've ever played. You take up the role of Levant, a young man who's father one day mysteriously dissapeared. Life is easy, until one day, at the begining of the Village's festival.....The divine barrier (an invisible force which holds back the mythical creatures of "the forest") is broken, and a swarm of Onibubu, locusts of apocalypse, attack send most of the villagers in a deep un-awakeable sleep. But, there is still hope. The fabled "Calabas Herb" which lies in the depths of the forest can be grounded into powder and can cure the sleep sickness. The town cheiftain decides that you, the son of the legendary cocoon master Riketz, must tame Minions with the purification which your wife, Mahbu, performs, and venture into the forest in a desperate attempt to save the village. You are the Villages last hope. You must succeed.

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Pic from JC2 Jade Cocoon 2
I haven't got my hands on a copy of JC2 yet, but when my local Game Store finally get a copy, and I've bought and played it through, expect a whole new section on it. From what I've seen so far, the backgrounds, graphics, and minions are jaw-dropping. Check here for updates on JC2.
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